Real Weddings, Videos, Wedding Decor, Wedding Venues
Emily and Arthur were married at the Fairmont Palliser CPR Pavilion in Calgary, Alberta. It was a modern day fairy tale in shades of pink! The couple got married with their friends and family sitting in a circle around them, surrounding the couple with love and warm...
Destination Weddings, Wedding Decor, Wedding Planning 101, Wedding Trends
Sandals® and Beaches® Resorts have never been one to sit back and rest on their laurels. Staying on top of their game, they continue to revolutionize the destination wedding industry, offering brides and grooms more options than ever before. Other destination wedding...
Destination Weddings, Real Weddings, Reception Ideas, Wedding Decor, Wedding Flowers, Wedding Venues
Jennifer and Stuart met amidst the hustle and bustle of New York City, where they both live. Both have busy careers in the financial industry, but that didn’t stop them from meeting and falling in love. Last year on a visit to Jenn’s hometown of Edmonton,...